Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Whats the secret to a happy marriage

Whats the secret to a happy marriage?
Adam Gopnik attempts to explain the secret to a happy marriage by reflecting on Charles Darwin, old comedy sketches and a Havanese dog.

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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Why training puppies is great for big dogs!

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Real Dog Training Success

Real Dog Training Success

Last night I was teaching a dog training class at a local shelter. The first night I always ask the dog owners to come without their dogs. A lot of them wonder why I would want them to come to a dog training class without their dogs.

I explain to them that I learned long ago from a great British dog trainer John Rogerson that the secret to dog training is simple. Let me share it with you:

“In order to have a good dog you have to become a good dog owner.”

So at the first class I teach dog owners how to become good dog owners, which takes me about an hour and is much easier to explain and answer questions when the owner is without their dog.

During the class one lady in the back raised her hand and wanted to make a comment. She explained that everything I had just talked about she would be happy to do, but she knows her husband will not do any of the steps I had just talked about. He just sat next to her nodding his head up and down agreeing with her that he will not do anything that I had just talked about.

She then asked me what to do about her husband. I informed her that I help train dogs not husbands. After everyone stopped laughing I informed her that she will not get very good results from the class and offered her a refund. She refused the refund and said that she wanted to train her dog.

I explained to her that I was offering the refund because in order for training to happen, the owners have to be consistent, and her husband made it clear that he was not going to comply. If there is no consistency, the dog becomes confused and will not respond the way we want them to.

Dog trainers are really people trainers. They show dog owners how to train their dogs. The better the dog owner is at following the instructions of the dog trainer the better the results will be.

So if you want really good dog training results learn how to become a good dog owner.

All the best,

P.S. Be on the lookout for my next video newsletter. You can subscribe for my video newsletters at www.AmazingDogTrainingMan.com
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Powering through a course

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Distraction See pinwheel of dogs

Distraction: See pinwheel of dogs
Round and round they go, where they stop nobody knows. Watch these Scotties share the same bowl.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

The heavy metal-loving church
Many think of church as incense, organ music and dog collars. But there are a wave of new churches that look rather different.

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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar - I have used a remote collar that vibrates when you press the transmit button on the remote. I have used the vibration as the dogs name and or as the marking of a behavior. However there are some problems with using these collars. Some dogs are very scared of the collar. They have never felt something like it before. So I like to hold the remote collar in my hand and lightly hold the collar against the dog and activate the collar when the dog feels the vibration give the dog a treat. After doing this until the dog starts to expect the treat ..then and only then put the collar on the dog. Then start to use the collar then treat...collar then treat...collar then treat. Then start using the collar to mark behavior I like to start with the look command. When the dog looks at your face remote and treat. The remote I like is the 175ncp dogtra collar http://betterdog.com/Products/dogtra.htm Are about 175.00 and work well...
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Weave Entries

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Current Successes

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Distraction Cat grabs leash walks dog

Distraction: Cat grabs leash, walks dog
Everything is wrong about this. The natural order of things has been disrupted. Run for the hills!

Dog tattoos cruel or prudent?
A North Carolina mans decision to put tattoos on his two dogs is drawing yelps of criticism and wagging tails of support across social media.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

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Former ATF agent gunned down while walking his dog in Virginia police say

Former ATF agent gunned down while walking his dog in Virginia, police say

Police have charged a Woodbridge man with murder, accusing him of fatally shooting a retired federal agent who was out walking his dog.

Police have charged a Woodbridge man with murder, accusing him of fatally shooting a retired federal agent who was out walking his dog.

Prince William County Police charged 25-year-old Aric Alexander Smith with first-degree murder and armed robbery.

Killed in Wednesday nights slaying was 55-year-old Gregory L. Holley Sr., also of Woodbridge. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Holley was an ATF agent in Chicago, Atlanta and Washington and was the ATFs special agent in charge in Detroit. He concluded his career as a deputy assistant inspector general for the Department of Treasury, from which he retired in 2009.

Police say Smith was arrested fleeing from the scene by an off-duty police officer. They say Smith was found in possession of personal property belonging to Holley.

Police do not believe the two knew each other and say the gun used in the slaying was reported stolen last week.

Holleys family said he was an active volunteer at his church, New Life Anointed Ministries International.

"Gregs life work was about fighting violent crime, and unfortunately it was violent crime that took his life," the family said in a statement.

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Understanding a Border Collie

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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

7 Social Networking Sites for Dog Lovers

Dog lovers need a way of connecting with other dog lovers, and fortunately there are some excellent sites out there. You can meet others just like you or learn about everything related to your precious pooch by visiting any one of these excellent social networking sites.

My Pet Friends – There’s truly a site for everything, and this is a great one for the dog lovers out there! You can join this social networking site and become a part of a huge community of dog lovers, participating in any number of groups along the way. You can find out about discounts, new tips for your pooch, or just chat with others just like you.

Max & Ruffy’s – As the trend towards natural and organic eating and living continues to increase, so do the sites to support it. Here you can find anything you’ve ever wanted to know about making your dog’s life a healthy and organic one. You can meet other dog owners who care about what their dog eats and how they live. A tight knit community that truly cares about their family dog!

Doggy Space – For the tech savvy dog owner who understands what a social networking site is all about and who wishes to meet other dog lovers. This is one of the best social networking sites out there as it pertains to the dog lover as it is chock full of useful doggie information and owners just like you.

Dogster – This is one comprehensive site! You can learn about different breeds, tips for caring for your dog, or simply chat with other dog lovers. There’s so much information that you can find something new each time you visit the site. Perfect for the dog lover who wants to keep up with everything possible on their beloved pooch!

Wuffstuff – You truly feel like a member of the community on this site. There are excellent features such as a member of the week, a newsletter, and resources to chat with other dog lovers. You can share your stories or find out about local events and resources in your town. This is an excellent site to check out for all things dog!

My Dog Space – A MySpace type of community for dog lovers, it doesn’t get much cooler than that! Here you can treat this as your very own profile page to meet other dog lovers for friendship, connection, or perhaps even romance. You can enjoy a dog lover community feel and learn a thing or two in the process.

Pet Smooch - Though there are features and groups for every type of pet, there is an excellent dog lover community on here. You can create your own profile and truly customize what you do within this community. You can meet fellow dog lovers and learn from the stories and tips of others.
You love your dogs, and so do countless others. Connect at these great sites to share and learn from one another, and add levels of enjoyment to your companionship experience.

Mary Ward is a freelance writer and likes writing about animal-related career topics, such as how to obtain an online Vet Tech degree,job and education tips, and more.
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Posh pads for pooches

Posh pads for pooches
It may be tough to teach old dogs new tricks, but perhaps they can learn to live in new houses. Japanese graphic designer and curator Kenya Hara has made it his mission to find out.

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What I love about dog training

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You have to work hard for what you want

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Hoots Running Dog Walk

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Course this week!

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When you realise that screaming doesnt work


When I first got my puppy I left her in my apartment and she started sniffing around my room in order to get familiar with her new surroundings. She thought that my new leather boots were really interesting and started smelling and playing with one of them. I thought she was funny and went to get my camera. As soon as I got back she had put it in her mouth and started chewing it. I went close to her and yelled at her NO, STOP, DON’T DO THAT, NO!!! I grabbed the boot and saw her reaching for the second one. I thought that my screaming at her was not very effective after all. This is a common situation that I suppose most dog “owners” have come up against with.

I then decided that I should find a more effective way to deal with my dog’s inappropriate behavior in order to prevent things from happening rather than react in a “hysterical” way after the damage has been done.

Make sure what the problem is, in order to “fight” the cause and not just react to the problem itself.

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Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Natural Take Off Point

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Tangles First Fun Run

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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

More Dog Training News

Find a complet guide to dog training at Dog Training

House train your dog by checking out thise site Dog Training

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The allure of the running contact

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What can I say

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Dog Training What Dog Anxiety and Dog Aggressiveness Have in Common


Dogs wouldnt be regarded as mans best friend for nothing! Indeed, they are surely the best buddy to have because of their loyalty and dedication to their masters. They are also a good source of relaxation to free you from the stress brought by the conflict of work and home affairs. They are naturally playful and fun to be with; nevertheless, they have the affinity to be destructive too.

There is a misconception among owners that dogs behave such ways because they often leave them alone at home when they are at work therefore giving the dog all the freedom to do any destructive act that they want to. But according to dog trainers and dog behaviorist, such notion is erroneous. Instead, they argue that the reason why your pet behaves in that way is because dogs naturally possess a lot of energy and poor exercise can lead to such destructive behavior.

As a result, it is highly important that an owner is sensitive enough to the need of their dogs because if not, it will lead to certain emotional problems such as dog aggression and anxiety. Basically, dog aggression is the term employed by owners to describe canine-to-canine antagonism or canine to human antagonism.

Aggression is defined by dog behaviorist as "intent to do harm which is obvious in their excessive barking, howling, growling or snapping in the air which is known as distance-increasing actions that is notable among pets that frequently move away from other dogs. In case of dog to dog aggression, a dog that is remarkably aggressive in nature will lead the dog to hurt the other dog in case they see that they have no other alternative. But it should be remembered that there are also dog which experience dog aggression because of hormonal imbalances that needs medical concern.

On the other hand, another problem is anxiety in dogs which bring out the worst among them. There is a lot of explanation behind such condition and the most common is separation anxiety which may explain why dogs that are left out of the house alone would usually do destructive acts like urinate, spoil furniture, and breaks appliances.

Keep in mind that dogs longed for affection and care and their destructive nature should not be construed as revenge instead it is only their way of telling their extreme disproval of being left alone. Moreover, anxiety in dogs can also be brought upon by other circumstances. There are some dogs which may repulsively reacts when there are too many people around and although when they are trapped in such kind of condition, they have the tendency to run away, there are also some who would act unpleasantly. Another reason of anxiety in dogs is the presence of loud noises.

Indeed, dog aggression and anxiety are two problems that should be corrected right ahead because if not, the problem may worsen which can be irritating on your part and saddening for the dog. Often times, when the owners decide to do dog training for the problems that the pet is confronting is too late for these problems to correct.

Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets Ive used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonsos dog training blog right now...

Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housebreaking
Puppy Housetraining
Obedience Training
Dog Training
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housebreaking
Dog Housebreaking
Dog Obedience
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I Was A Teenage Grave Robber

Right now Im reading three different books. I love to read and have a huge library that gets made fun of quite often.

"What do you need all those books for?"

"Did you read all of those books?"

"Those books take up a lot of room."

I always just shrug and mumble some explanation about how I really enjoy reading. Anyway, I keep a lot of my books because I like to go back and re-read some of them.

One book that I am re-reading right now is "Memoir Of The Craft" by Stephen King. I am not a big Stephen King fan. This is the only book by him that I have in my library. You wouldnt think that a book by him would be laugh out loud funny but that is exactly what this book is.

As I sat down for a few minutes yesterday to read I busted out laughing more than once, and this is not a fictional book. Its part autobiography, part instruction manual for writers.

One of the first stories that he wrote was, "I Was A Teenage Grave Robber." Would you expect anything else from Stephen King?

I try to hone my skills as a writer because I like to take a different approach when I am writing about dog training. You see, my book "The Amazing Dog Training Man" is a story about a guy that learned how to train his dog.

I tried to weave a story in with the lessons. Listen, I am no Steven King, I am not a Mario Puzo, Larry McMurty, James Clavell or even Jackie Collins.

But, I did attempt to write a book about dog training that was not boring or run of the mill like so many dog training books that are out there.

Stephen King said that one of his happiest days was when he wrote a story and gave it to his Mom. He added that the look on her face was one of his best memories.

Young Stevie King started sending his stories in to fantasy and sci-fi magazines before his was a teenager. He received rejection after rejection until he was sixteen years old. He nailed all of them to his wall and the amount of rejections became so big that he had to take the nail out and use a spike.

When he was sixteen, one editor didnt accept his story but did write some encouraging words. As he states in his book "Those four sentences, scribbled by a fountain pen that left big ragged blotches in its wake, brightened the winter of his sixteenth year."

I know how he feels. Just yesterday I received an email that made my winter and decided to share it with you. Here it is:

"I love the book and am finding it hard to put it down and stop reading, a couple of people approached me today about the book I was reading and Ive referred them to your site so with a bit of luck there will be a few more orders for you and more importantly a few more happier dogs and owners."

Thanks again
Yours faithfully
Tommy McGuinness

Tommy wrote the best 16 words any writer can ever hear: "I love the book and am finding it hard to put it down and stop reading."

Thanks Tommy. You brightened the winter of 2008.

All the best,

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She has a heart of gold

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Endeavours Final Enduring Mission

Endeavours Final Enduring Mission

After missing out on the fly-over transit ferry of the space shuttle Endeavour, I made a vow to be there when it made its move from LAX to the California Science Center. Officials recommended taking the Metro in, so being a good citizen I parked at the La Cienega / Jefferson station on the Expo Line and bought my very first TAP card. The park and ride lot was quite clean and accessible, I was worried that since there were lots of spaces open, perhaps I was too late and had missed the shuttle again. Boy, was I wrong!


Following updates via my iPhone, I noted the shuttle was 3 hours behind schedule, which meant I could get off at the Expo / Western station with time to spare. I made the walk south to Martin Luther King Boulevard and picked out a nice spot to wait for Endeavour. This was around 6pm.


After an hour passes, rumors start flying about how the shuttle is stuck at the intersection of Crenshaw and MLK. I decide perhaps its faster if I walk to the shuttle instead of waiting for it to come to me. This would turn out to be the best decision I made that night. I made my way through the crowd and walked a few long blocks from Western to just before Crenshaw.


Families were having a grand ole time partying in their yards, as that part of MLK is lined with residential homes. People were grilling up hot dogs and offering them to passer-bys. As I got closer to the intersection, police closed off the entire street to vehicle traffic and there was a street fair atmosphere. In the distance, I could see a large white tail section under a battery of flood lights.


The tail section grew larger, and the crowd more dense. Police were trying to keep people up on the sidewalks and away from the street to allow emergency vehicles to pass through. I met many wonderful, friendly people that night from all over the county who had come for this historic once in a lifetime event.


Staking out a new spot along the road, I camped out again for a few hours. Police kept clearing the road, and once in awhile it seemed like it might start moving. People were happy and celebrating in a cheerful mood, smells of fried chicken wafted through the air from a nearby restaurant next to the shuttle and made everyones mouths water. A young lady noticed the officers were eating a snack and jokingly asked if she could have some, he obliged and started handing out snacks to the crowd. Law enforcement was friendly and courteous to all.


After a few more hours, a police woman walked by and mentioned it will likely be a long time before things started moving again. I decided to walk up to the intersection and do a walk-around of the shuttle as best I could. Most of the crowd had already gotten the same idea and moved closer to get their view and snapshots and go home for the night. By midnight the crowds had thinned out a little bit so it made navigating the final distance much easier than expected.


The orbiter is a sight to behold. You really get a sense of how huge it is when it is sitting in the middle of whats usually a busy multi-lane intersection and taking up the entire width of both sides of the roadway. The transport maintenance crew was working on the dolly, welding sparks were spraying into the night. I tried to get some shots with both my iPhone and my Canon DSLR camera. The phone was used to transmit photos online for friends to see, while the camera would hopefully capture higher resolution photographs and video for later perusal.


After an hour or two of walking about the shuttle, it was time to say goodbye and head back to the Metro station before they shut down the trains for the night. This time I chose to board at Expo / Crenshaw. Again I tapped my way into the station and after about 10 minutes a train stopped in front of me. I boarded it and made my way back to Jefferson station, where I picked up my car and headed home for the night.


Im extremely happy with the experience, and so proud that we as a community were able to pull this off with mutual respect and caring for all. Parents brought their kids of course. College students came to admire. An elderly couple who had arrived late in the night bubbled with child-like delight, pleased that they were able to make it to the intersection before the shuttle left.


Welcome home, United States Orbiter Vehicle-105 Space Shuttle Endeavour. May you inspire tomorrows pioneers of all ages to reach farther and higher than weve ever gone before.

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Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Iran installs advanced centrifuges

Iran installs advanced centrifuges
The UNs nuclear watchdog says Iran has begun installing advanced centrifuges at one of its nuclear plants, drawing an angry US reaction.

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Bad Dogma How Harsh Training Methods Can Cause Aggression

The dictionary defines the word dogma as: The established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization, thought to be authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

There is an old saying among dog trainers that goes: "The only thing two dog trainers can agree on is what the third one is doing wrong."

There are basically two schools of dog trainers. On one side you have the old school dog trainers that believe training is done by using a choke chain or prong collar to train, that you should never use food to train the dog.

On the other hand you have the food reward trainers that believe you should never use any kind of force or harsh methods to train.

Both sides will strongly argue for their way of training. I have been on both sides of the issue. I got my start training dogs with an old time trainer that had been training dogs since the 1950s. If you used a treat in front of this guy, you had to be prepared for a verbal eruption that would make a sailor blush.

I have also been with trainers that think anything short of filet mignon not being used for treats is cruel. All kidding aside it can get confusing for someone trying to train their dog. Who do you listen to? Should you just use treats to train? Do you ever give your dog a correction?

The truth of the matter is that positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement can be extremely effective. There is no denying that there are thousands of dogs that are safely confined to their yards with the help of underground electronic fences.

There is also no denying that dogs learn much better when you use a reward based system of training. The important point is this: You want to make sure that you spend more time rewarding your dogs behavior than punishing or getting physical with your dog.

The fact is that all good relationships are based on positive interaction. I once watched a group obedience class where all the dogs were on choke chains. Food was not allowed. In the course of one hour, I watched one guy give his dog over 150 corrections with the leash. They werent all hard corrections but he did yank on the leash that many times.

Over time, that dog will become tolerant to the choke chain and the owner will have to yank harder and harder and will probably damage his dogs neck and trachea which will lead to one very grouchy dog. Theres no denying the fact that a dog being trained that way can easily develop an aggression problem, and heres the rub. The dog is always blamed, never the training method Doesnt it make sense to use a reward based training system?

Unfortunately this way of training has become the established belief or doctrine held by many dog trainers, and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

Too bad for the dogs.



P.S. Have you checked out the new Dog Training Inner Circle yet? Drop what youre doing and go there now. Youll be glad you did: Dog Training Inner Circle
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When Good Pets Go Bad

Last night my beautiful girlfriend and I went to our good friends house for dinner. Before we sat down for some chow, my friend Bob asked me to go to the Congamong lake with him to check the ice.

Bob loves to ice fish and wanted to see how thick the ice was. We loaded up his pups and off we went. When we got back, his wife Sue had cooked up an awesome dinner and we all had a very enjoyable evening until...

The show "When Good Pets Go Bad" came on.

Shows like "When Good Pets Go Bad" are like a car accident that you pass as you drive down the highway, you try to look away but you need to see what happened.

"When Good Pets Go Bad" comes on you start to watch it and before you know it an hour has gone by, youre sitting there in disbelief, with a bad taste in your mouth because you have just observed some truly horrific stuff.

It does not surprise me when I see the national statistics for dog bites. Shows like When Good Pets Go Bad do not shock me the way they used to. As someone who makes his living working with pets I have seen first hand how dogs are treated and I am NOT talking about the pet owners.

I talking about the trainers. I have seen first hand how some dogs are trained. I have seen dogs choked, hung, beaten, shocked, slammed, and I could share some horror stories with you that you would make you ill.

In a lot of ways, dog trainers cause more problems than help. Look at some of the books on dog training, I wont mention any names here but one of the most popular dog training books was written by a guy that says you should carry a wooden stick in your back pocket. If the dog "acts up" use the stick to whack the dog across the nose.

This guy was the trainer for Walt Disney studios back in the 1960s - scary.

On the show "When Good Pet Go Bad," they show actual footage of elephants being beaten with slicks and whipped with chains, not to mention the awful conditions that they live in.

Why is it so hard to convince some people that dog training does not have to be harsh? What is the big deal about rewarding behavior, especially with a treat?

Behavior is reward driven. Relationships that are strong and lasting are developed though love and patience not anger, pain and dominance.

I know, Im starting to sound like an animal activist. Im not. I also believe that punishment, used correctly, can be an effective form of behavior modification - notice I said used correctly.

Punishment is often doled out when we are angry or upset with our dogs. Punishment is often associated with the owner and not the behavior and the timing is almost always wrong.

In my book "The Amazing Dog Training Man," I discuss the chalk board theory which basically goes like this:

On the top left side you write the word negative. On the right side you write the word positive.

Now every time you do something negative to your dog ie., scruff shake, leash correction, yell, smack, etc, you write a - in that column. Every time you do something positive to your dog ie., give your dog a treat, play ball, play tug, etc you put a + in the positive column. It would look something like this:

Negative Positive
- - + +
- - - - + + +
- - + +

As you look at the board you should have way more + signs that - signs on the board. If you have more - signs than + signs you have a problem.

Add up enough - signs and guess what...there is a good chance you will start to see aggressive behavior.

Its not rocket science. Raise a kid by beating him and yeling and screaming, theres a very good chance that hell grow up to be an aggressive person.

Take a kid and rasie him with love and patience and theres a good chance that hell grow up to be the same way.

Dogs that have been trained with hitting, "Alpha roll overs," choke chains, and electronic collars run a very good chance that they will become aggressive.

Most of the pets in "When Good Pets Go Bad" have had a lot of negative experiences and look what happens. Every person and every animal has a breaking point. Your tolerance level for certain activities may be higher than mine.

My girlfriend never, ever gets mad at other drivers. She can get cut off, stuck behind slow drivers, traffic, whatever, she never gets upset or angry.

Me on the other hand, I dont have her tolerance for driving. Some days are better than others but I can be frustrated much more easily than she is.

Training has to be done by spending the majority of time rewarding behavior. The only way we are going to see the number of dog bites go down in the United States is by changing the way we train dogs.

We can change the way we train or we can continue to hear about and watch shows where dogs are attacking and in some cases killing people.

Wouldnt it be great if we could turn on the TV and see a show "When Bad Pets Go Good"?

As always I look forward to your comments.


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UK girl fatally attacked by dogs

UK girl fatally attacked by dogs
The death of a 14-year-old girl who was apparently fatally savaged by a pack of dogs at a friends home has prompted horror in Britain.

Downward dogs for depression
Yoga could provide tangible benefits for disorders ranging from sleep complaints and ADHD to schizophrenia and depression.

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Biden delivers double edged debate performance

Biden delivers double-edged debate performance

While Vice President Biden left no question Thursday night hes the attack dog on the Democratic ticket, the verdict is out whether his aggressive -- often disdainful -- debate style against Republican running mate Paul Ryan will stem the dramatic erosion in the polls of President Obamas once-solid lead.

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