Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Who else wants their dog to come when called

I was a terrible student in school.

Really, I barely and I mean barely squeaked out a diploma in high school. The reason I was such a bad student was because I just could not keep focused on what was being taught - except history.

Math, English, Science class, in one ear out the other.

Because I did so bad in school I couldnt stand it. My day would start by looking at the clock and counting down the hours I had left in school. I did this every single day. All I wanted was out, I wanted FREEDOM!

Since I hated school so much I never signed up for any after school activities. I never played on the baseball or football team (two sports that I love!). I never went to a dance, pep rally, game, event or anything else that took place within a half a mile from school. In fact, my high school year book doesnt even have my picture in it!

I think you get my point.

So why am I sharing all of this with you.


I have just shared with you one of the biggest secrets to teaching your dog to come when called. What was the secret?

FREEDOM - or lack of it.

You see, one of the big points that I make when Im working with a client on the recall command is that most dogs dont come back to their owners due to their lack of freedom.

Think about the way a lot of dogs live. They live a big portion of their lives under some type of containment. Most dogs spend a lot of time on a leash, in a house, in a fenced in area, in a crate, in a car, etc.

Because the dog is always confined the last thing the dog is thinking about coming back to the owner when they get a little freedom.

So the secret to getting your dog to come back to you when you call is to give your dog some freedom...


How do you give your dog freedom when they dont come back to you when you call?

Excellent question. In my next post I am going to share with you exactly how to do it. So stay tuned...

Your friend,


P.S. Ready to teach your dog to come every time you call? Check out The Amazing Dog Training Home Study Course.

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