Sabtu, 30 April 2016

This is why I adore Tip

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FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of

FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of the holiday and very few other days of the year. They are big, beautiful, exciting, and loud. Remember, for your dog who has hearing ten times more sensitive than we do, the loud part can catch your dog unaware, disorient them, and create anxiety. In fact, often times fight or flight instincts kick in and dogs shelters will be inundated with dogs on the days following fireworks displays. While some dogs have little or no reaction, for others, fireworks can cause serious disturbances that can be emotionally scarring for them. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell which one any individual dog is or how any event may affect your dog. Here are some guidelines to consider prior to the festivities: Bringing Your Dog With You May we suggest you reconsider bringing your dog with you on your fourth adventures? These displays are not made for dogs. Often the aerial display is accompanied by sparklers and amateur displays which are lower and less predictable. Flashes of light, loud explosions, and crowds make for a confused and anxious dog with nowhere to go. Further, do not leave your dog in your car while you enjoy the show. This only reduces the "trapped" feeling to the confines of your vehicle which can result in destruction, soiling, and injury from exertion of anxious energies. Remember, a scared dog in a crowd is a danger to both itself and the people around it. Leashes and collars are not infallible. Leaving Your Dog Behind If you leave your dog at home and fireworks are being displayed nearby, make sure that they are in a place that is indoors where they have the least likelihood of causing damage to your home or themselves. Crates are strongly recommended if your dog has crating experience. Turn on, and up, your radio or television to mask the sound of the fireworks. Close your blinds or curtains to mask the flashing lights. Take away your dogs favorite toy a day or two before the festivities, and return it in time for the event. This way, they can be distracted by something you know that will give them happiness. In Either case Regardless of your canines location, some basic steps should be taken to ensure their safety. Make sure that their tags are up to date, including one with your contact information, in the event that their fight or flight instinct gives them wings. To be doubly sure, make sure your dog is micro chipped and that that information is also correct in the event of a collar failure. Let your dog do its business prior to time for the fireworks displays. Play with them more than usual to ensure that they are tired and therefore less likely to have the energy to expend with nervousness. If your dog does react negatively to the fireworks, remember not to coddle them. If you coddle or hold them during this time, it will feel exactly the same as when you praise them. In other words, youll be telling them: "Good job being nervous! Thats what you should be doing! Keep it up!". In contrast, light massage style petting, if your dog will let you, when practiced without pity or nervousness can help calm both of you.
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Why is Attitude Important

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A game of chase is all it took!

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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Playing with your dog part II

Another good idea is to combine training and playing.
Example: If you take your dog for a walk in open space, like a park, the mountain, a beach etc, and your dog starts walking away from you. Then a good thing to do is not to call him/her back, you can turn and start walking to the opposite direction. As soon as your dog understands that you are not close s/he will come back to you. As soon as s/he does that you can praise and pet him/her. This is a very good exercise in order to make your dog follow you when s/he is unleashed and also a great way to show him/her who the leader is in a very nice and effective way.

Examples of unacceptable ways of playing with your dog include:
Teasing, slapping, wrestling, chasing, allowing him/her to bark at you. You should not allow your dog to demand that you play with him/her. Also you should not use your hands as a toy, allowing him to nip, and tug-of-war.
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Digging how to stop Part I

Digging is a common and very normal behavior for dogs. As with all problems, it is important tounderstand the reasons behind the behavior. With digging there are many motives. Dogs dig because they are bored. They dig when it is hot because they like to lie in holes to get cooler. They dig to escape. They bury objects. Sometimes dogs simply dig because they like to.

In dealing with a digging problem, first understand that every dog has a certain amount of energy to expend each day. Sufficient exercise is often an excellent way to burn off excess energy and frequently helpsin curtailing digging behavior.

You must remember, exercise programs will vary from breed to breed and dog to dog, so check with your veterinarian. Also remember that simply leaving your dog alone in the yard does not count as exercise. You must exercise the dog!

You need to giveyour dog things to do that are more interesting to him than digging holes.

Tere are a number of creative toys that can keep most dogs occupied and interested. Consider toys like a Buster Cube or Boomer Ball.

The Buster Cube is a plastic square that you can put small pieces of food in. The dog can get the food, but only after shaking and moving the cube around. This will keep many dogs focused for

Boomer Balls are hard plastic balls that some dogs love to chase around. They are generally too large for most dogs to fit in their mouths, although many dogs will certainly try. Some dogs will bat at the ball with their paws, push it around the yard with their chests and have a great time playing ball and not digging holes.

Make it a point to play with your dog and these toys in the yard.

Doing this will get the dog interested in the toys and teach him there are other fun activities in the yard besides digging. Nylabones, Kongs, and Rhino toys will also focus your dog on something other than digging.
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The Dog Whisperer Beginning and Intermediate Dog Training

The Dog Whisperer: Beginning and Intermediate Dog TrainingProduct Description:

THE DOG WHISPERER: BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE DOG TRAINING presents the newest advances in positive training methods that are easy-to-use, fast, effective, and motivating. The DVD features professional step-by-step methods by one of the leading proponents of nonviolent training in the world, Paul Owens. Owens is also the author of the best-selling books, The Dog Whisperer and The Puppy Whisperer.

· Learn three simple steps to each of eight different behaviors.

· Solve unwanted jumping, stealing, barking, pulling on the leash, digging, and chewing.

· Get reliable behavior without jerking, hitting, shocking, or shaking.

· Learn clicker training for faster results.

· Learn how to quickly wean your dog off food treats.

· Include fun tricks and games to play with your dog.

Along with step-by-step instruction, THE DOG WHISPERER DVD includes segments that give an amusing, yet instructional look at training from the dogs point of view, featuring celebrity cameo voiceovers by Jeffrey Tambor, Cheri Oteri and Kevin McDonald. This combination of entertainment and professional training makes it an ideal program for individuals or families looking to train their dog to be reliable without physical negatives or punishment.

Special Bonuses Included on DVD: Mans First Friend is a 3-minute, state-of-the-art animated short about cave-people and their first encounter with the family dog. Princess Sabrina is a dog puppet with heart, pizzazz and humor who is featured on her own talk show on this DVD. In another segment, she actually trains a real-life dog, making training easy to understand and fun to do.

Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

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Video Newsletter 7 Ways To Cure Your Housetraining Problem

Okay, so Im still a little depressed over the Superbowl.


I know the cure for feeling down. Want to know what it is? Here it is in two words:


So yesterday I got busy and put together a new video newsletter for you.

The video is a cure for your housetraining problems. I get a ton of email asking about housetraining.

I wrote an article about this about a month ago and decided to make a video explaining the steps.

Ill show you the video in just a second but I wanted to say that unfortunately I cant personally answer every email anymore.

I try to but I get so many that I would have to spend the entire day answering them.

The subscribers to this newsletter is approaching 15,000. Which is not surprising because you wont find any dog trainer on the internet that shares as much valuable dog training advice, behavior tips, and videos as I do.

Please dont take this the wrong way. I love getting emails from all of you. What I am in the process of doing is putting together a Frequently Asked Questions page.

A lot of the questions that I get are the same:

Jumping, housetraining, puppy biting, mouthy behavior, barking etc.

I will let you know when the FAQ page is ready and please keep sending me your questions it will help me develop this page.

Anyway, this weeks newsletter is a great one to pass on to any friends or family members that are having a difficult time housetraining their dogs.

Check it out:

Your friend,


P.S. You still have five days left to take advantage of my "Im Not A Sore Loser" package. The package includes: The Ultimate On-line training course, Good K9 Manners course and my ebook "The Amazing Dog Training Man". Click here: Good K9 Manners
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Charlotte Dog Training Charlotte Dog Daycare

Charlotte Dog Training |
Charlotte Dog Daycare |
Monroe Dog Groomer|
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Not Food Motivated


Susie from New Hampshire asks..."How do you reward a dog that is not particularly food motivated?" You can see from the photo, her dog Gus is super enthused about my answer.

First let me say, you may be the only owner of a hound dog to ask that question. Generally beagles, bassets and mixes thereof spend about 50% of their waking hours thinking about food and the other 50% following their noses around in the pursuit of food. I personally, have never won a race to the pantry with a beagle and Im pretty fast. Gus apparently begs to differ, as long as its not for food.

All dogs unless they have been diagnosed as anorexic are food motivated - so if your dogs are alive (and they are) food is motivating to them. There are many ways to reward a dog besides food but because food is so convenient, and carrying a rabbit around in your pocket is not - let me first address how to increase a dogs food motivation.

1. Use really remarkable treats. Your dog is probably no more excited about an organic carrot bit than you are - so use bacon, salami, hot dogs, cheese, chicken, turkey to motivate your dog. Dogs tend to enjoy things that are smelly and gooey. Find something your dog loves and use that only for training treats. You can buy dog treats but buy good ones, not those wretched green and red dog biscuits. I personally like the Natural Balance food rolls (no I dont eat them...not this week anyway).

2. If food is not always available, food is more motivating. If you leave a bowl of kibble out all day long, stop. If food is always available, food is not all that motivating - if something is a bit scarce its value suddenly goes up. So feed a dog twice a day - leave the bowl down for 10-15 minutes and pick it up and remove any uneaten food until the next meal.

3. If your dog is still not responding to really good treats or is not hungry when food is scarce...then we can get really extreme and NO MORE dog dish. Temporarily put the food dish away and your dog will earn all of his food throughout the day from your hand. I often use this as a way to increase motivation with a dog or to bond with it. When I work to rehabilitate a shy/fearful/aloof dog - that dog literally receives every bit of food he gets from my hand. I quickly become very important to that dog.

But lets talk for a moment about why your dog may not be hungry -- I know from our past conversations that your dog (or at least one of your dogs is fearful) -- if your dog is ordinarily somewhat enthusiastic about food but suddenly is not (new place, new person around, new sound) etc. your dog may be "above his threshold" meaning he is too excited, nervous, anxious to eat. The situation is creating an emotional response in your dog that is so strong, the need for food is gone. If thats going on you need to back up and re-evaluate. Thats also probably a topic for another day.

O.K. so what if after everything Ive said, and everything youve tried -- the dog is just not food motivated. I personally would leave that dog on the coach and get another one to train (I AM KIDDING).

Animals, all animals want to control what happens to them. All animals are moving towards things that are rewarding, moving to avoid things that are not rewarding. Throughout the day your dog does let you know what he likes and what he dislikes. If you are working with a dog, the first thing you need to do is learn what makes that dog tic - what does this dog enjoy? What does he choose to avoid?

When I know what motivates a dog then I can train the dog. Its faster and easier if they love food (or toys) but you can work with the dog anyway. (can anyone tell Ive trained chows)

Use life rewards - what is a life reward? Opening or closing the door, getting in the car, tossing a ball, petting, a chance to play with another dog, a chance to say hello to the neighbor, a chance to chase the squirrel, a chance to pee -- in the case of a hound a chance to sniff! In other words you control what happens to and for your dog (you have the bigger brain and the opposable thumbs). Youll get a bit of behavior you want and then viola youll reward the dog with one of those life rewards.

Use functional behavior rewards - what is a functional reward? moving towards something you want, moving away from something you wish to avoid. Lets say I have a dog that is fearful...I want the dog to move closer to something he is afraid of. If the dog moves in that direction...I can reward the dog by moving him away from the scary thing. Take one wee step towards the tacky lawn ornament. GOOD DOG! now well move away from it. The next day I might ask for two steps ...GOOD DOG! now well move away from it. Before you know it the dog may be moving all the way up to that tacky garden gnome.

Susie I hope that helps -- if it doesnt please write to someone else (I am kidding - give me some examples of when you are having trouble with your dog and well see if I can come up with a way to reward your dog in that situation).


p.s. If you are still here throw me a bone (ask me a question) and Ill do my best to answer it, if you are in the greater Lansing area join us in a class at Good Dog! Training.
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Ill be posting some very helpful articles on puppy training here. Please feel free to check this blog sometime soon for some good tips and tricks for getting your new dog trained. See you later!

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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Playing with a sequence and Non Traditional Starts

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Equipment Creations

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Cardinal apologizes for sexual conduct

Cardinal apologizes for sexual conduct
Cardinal Keith OBrien of Scotland, who has been dogged by allegations he abused four men studying to be priests in the 1980s, said in a statement Sunday that "there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal."

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

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Justices ponder police use of drug sniffing dogs

Justices ponder police use of drug-sniffing dogs
Franky and Aldo were not at the Supreme Court on Wednesday to defend their drug-detecting abilities, but it is likely they would have had little to say to the justices who were probing the limits and reliability of their talents when police search for contraband. The German shepherd and chocolate Labrador were in Florida, where the appeals over their work originated.

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Military Dog Honored For Heroics In Afghanistan

Columbia Dog Training

Julie Davis
Dog Training In Your Home -
DOODYCALLS o Waste not, want not: Pet Waste o In the dog eat dog world of real estate, an area is only as good as its property values. And for areas overrun by smelly piles of dog poop, the feces factor could prove the weakest link to many homeowners. o The American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA), estimates Americans own more pets than ever before, with 74.8 million dogs as of 2008. o Beyond your grass, it has been estimated that a single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans. EPA even estimates that two or three days worth of droppings from a population of about 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria to temporarily close a bay, and all watershed areas within 20 miles of it, to swimming and shellfishing. o The EPA explains that the decay of your pets waste actually creates nutrients for weeds and algae that grow in the waterways. As these organisms thrive on your dogs droppings, they overtake the water and limit the amount of light that can penetrate the waters surface. As a result, oxygen levels in the water decrease, and the fish and seafood we eat can be asphyxiated, EPA says. o A toxic cycle o If you arent worried about your local waterways, you may be a bit more concerned about the impact of dog droppings on your home. The thing about persistently disposing of stools improperly (or not at all) is that it kicks off a harmful cycle that can affect your whole family - including your pet. o According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pet droppings can contribute to diseases animals pass to humans, called zoonoses. When infected dog droppings are deposited on your lawn, the eggs of certain roundworms and other parasites can linger in your soil for years. Anyone who comes into contact with that soil - be it through gardening, playing sports, walking barefoot or any other means - runs the risk of coming into contact with those eggs; especially your dog. o Some of the hard-to-pronounce parasites your lawn could harbor include Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, as well as hookworms, ringworms and tapeworms. Infections from these bugs often cause fever, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea in humans. Children are most susceptible, since they often play in the dirt and put things in their mouths or eyes. o In the end, it is best not to let sleeping dogs lie when it comes to issues of communal cleanliness. After all, proper sanitation could mean the difference between your yard being a beautiful oasis, or an area that has gone to the dogs. o Author: Dave Mason is the franchise owner of DoodyCalls, Charlestons Premier Pet Waste Removal Service
Military Dog Honored For Heroics In Afghanistan
A Belgian Malinois was recognized by an Air Force unit recently for her heroics in Afghanistan, becoming the first canine to receive an honor from the 341st Training Squadron. The 341st is the organization that trains dogs for the military, and the fact

Life-Saving Military Service Dog Named Top "American Hero Dog" At The American Humane Association Hero Dog AwardsTM
The sold-out, star-studded awards honoring Americas most courageous canines, hosted at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on October 6 by Emmy and Tony Award winner Kristin Chenoweth, was created to celebrate the powerful relationship between dogs and

Police & military K9s compete
The dogs that help keep us all safe are showing what they can do this weekend in Reno, Nevada. Military and Law Enforcement K9 teams are competing in the 2012 Western States Police Canine Association Year End Trial Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13.

Dog, Kno, Gets Lawyer Claude M. Kicklighter As Legal Representation In Attack Hearing
Hotel magnate Leona Helmsley left $12 million for her dog Trouble when she died in 2007, but a judge reduced the bequest to $2 million. Indian army personnel use a bulldozer during a rescue mission to save a wild elephant trapped in a water

Medical Center Helps Military Dogs Heal from War
VOGELWEH, Germany -- U.S. military personnel numbers in Afghanistan have been decreasing over the past couple of years. There is one set of troops in combat, however, that is increasing: military working dogs. Because of their keen sense of smell and acute
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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Running A Frame Tangle and Split

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Dramatic dog attack caught on video

Dramatic dog attack caught on video
A 4-year-old girl is badly mauled by a dog and the horrific attack is caught on surveillance video. WABC reports.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

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SIT STAY COMMAND Begin with your dog on your

SIT/STAY COMMAND Begin with your dog on your left side, facing the same direction you are. Reach across your body with your right hand; grasp the leash in your right hand, holding it about 1 inch above the clasp. With your left hand grasp your dog?s hips gently. Using your left hand, rotate your dogs hips back, then down, into the sitting position, as you say ?_________________ sit.? (Command Tone) Once your dog is in the sitting position, give the command ?STAY?, as you show him/her the stay hand signal with a SNAP. (Palm of right hand) As you turn and face your dog, moving with your right foot first, begin to back away from him with a slack leash as you praise him: ?Goooood boy!? When your dog gets up (and he will!) move quickly and SNAP the leash straight over his head as you say ?NO!? (correction tone). Follow this ediately with ?STAY?, (command tone) using the hand signal. Praise your dog both physically and verbally, while he/she remains in SIT/STAY. Your goal is to be able to circle your dog while he/she STAYS. Gently pull your dog toward you as you say ?YOU?RE THROUGH!? (praise tone). Remember it is important to maintain patience and control; it is necessary for your dog to make mistakes so he can learn not to make them! TRAINING GOAL:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ c Remember: If you have any questions, please call our office Monday-Friday, 8:30 am -5:00 pm c (704) 573-3647
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Hunt for thieves who poisoned officers dogs in robbery

Hunt for thieves who poisoned officers dogs in robbery

FBI secretly spying on Google users, company reveals

The FBI used National Security Letters -- a form of surveillance that privacy watchdogs call “frightening and invasive” -- to surreptitiously seek information on Google users, the web giant has just revealed.

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What Makes a Champion

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You must be present to win!

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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Its Your Choice in the Real World

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Carrie Jones and fun runs

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A Frame performance

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Senin, 25 April 2016

Discriminations tunnels aframes weaves in a small space

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Dog Training my opinion

Dog Training

Dog Training, My dogs are all trained to use the outdoors for there bathroom needs, even my cat. I have no cat box because I think cat boxes are one of the nastiest things out there. Training my dog to use the outdoors was fairly easy and only took a matter of a few nights. I have had 3 German Shepard’s and used the technique found in this fabulous book here
Click Here!

I feel Dog training is like raising a child. A very important thing to do. Many people treat there dogs as they were there kids. Dog training can be done by yourself or by a trainer you can hire. I have had very good luck with my animals with dog training and feel that anyone can do it with a little research and a good book.

Dog Training shows that you care for you animals whether they be big or small. My dogs go everywhere with me, from a little trip to the store to long trips camping. Because of the dog training I have done I feel there behavior in the car is exceptional. My dogs love to go on rides and when someone walks near the car they just sit and watch. This shows the importance of dog training. Please stay tuned for further updates

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Minggu, 24 April 2016

More Geek Toys

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Puppy Training

Puppy Training - Good Doggie by Maisy Day

Puppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training is vital - because believe it or not these cute cuddly little characters can cause so much havoc in the home - with their outbursts of action packed antics all brought on by excitement.

Fun it may be at the time but when you waken to find the remains of a chewed slipper- scratch marks on the furniture and puppy poo to mark the pup`s presence then it is time for an obedience check.

How do you go about house training a puppy - simple the same as you would potty train a baby? Yes your right it will take time and patience but all worthwhile in the end.

To be honest the whole process of puppy training can be quite fulfilling as well as fun. There will be times when you may get frustrated throughout the process but just the fact that you have accomplished what others would see as impossible is an achievement in its self. To have an obedient dog standing at the side of its master (you) will make you proud to be the canines owner. Even evening walks are so much more enjoyable with an obedient dog.

You have to think about safety for yourself and that of your pooch if they are not trained. Dangers by the roadside and where children are concerned - have to be a couple of vital factors why puppy training is important.

Puppies need to use the bathroom regular sometimes as much as up to 8 to 10 visits a day - this gradually lessons to about 3 to four times at 30 weeks old.
Our little four legged friends are clean animals but still need nurturing with correction lessons teaching them right from wrong.

If you are going to kennel/crate train the puppy then build the shelter to accommodate the size of the dog to have comfort. Section the kennel in half while the puppy is small and as he/she begins to grow then remove the partition. By not splitting the shelter in two the pup may decide to go to the back of the crate and leave their mark there.
The kennel/crate should be big enough to permit the dog to stand easily and stretch. As long as the dog can manoeuvre around then that is all that matters.

Timing is crucial when puppy training - have a doggie diary with a schedule of times and adhere to them. Work this pattern around what is best suited for you and your dog.
For example: 10 to 10:30 am. lead the puppy from the enclosure outside and always keep to the same spot every day. The puppy will get used to this allotted space and in time will make his or her own way there. Remember puppies are like babies they need feeding. Times for this is best after the first morning release - approx about 30 minutes. A little later let the puppy out for a friendly romp in the garden for a play without commands.
Leading the puppy from the kennel is an action you have to repeat over and over again at the scheduled times you have logged in your doggie diary.

Before retiring to blanket street take the puppy outside again and let them have a little time to investigate and nosey around - in other words sniffing every nook and cranny.
If you are serious with this practice then the puppy`s needs have to be checked again around 3 am in the morning. It is a good idea to have a catchphrase for the pup to relate to. Words like (want to poo poo) will do the trick.

When your puppy is at your side and obeying your commands it is then you will know why that famous saying came about - GOOD DOGGIE.

About the Author
Fact has it that an obedient dog is a friend for life. Take your pet on holiday
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Feels like kindergarten again

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Pitbulls Mayberry and Memorial Day

Hope everyone reading this had a great Memorial Day. I did. I went to Mayberry, well not really Mayberry, but close. You see, I went to Tully; Tully Massachusetts. Dont bother looking for it on a map. There is a good chance you wont find it. Thats how small it is. I have lived in Massachusetts most of my life and never even heard of this town until a few years ago.

My girlfriends Mothers family comes from Tully and they spend every Memorial Day there. You really get the feeling that youre in a Norman Rockwell painting. Every Memorial Day, the whole town gathers at the one and only intersection to follow the elementary school band to the cemetery.

When they arrive at the small cemetery, there is a short Memorial Day service and then everyone follows the band back to the Tully Fire Department for home-made donuts and coffee.

Tully Fire Station
Tully Fire Station Where The Coffee And Donuts Were Served

After the donuts and coffee, we hiked up Tully Mountain. What a fantastic view!

Tully Mountain
Tully Mountain From The Town Intersection

Halfway Up Tully Mountain
Rachael And Me Halfway Up Tully Mountain

From the top of the mountain, you can see the house where Rachaels Grandmother grew up - no indoor plumbing and no electricity - talk about roughing it. Now-a-days we freak out if we loose cell phone reception or our Internet connection is slow.

Rachaels Grandmothers House
This Is The House Rachaels Grandmother Grew Up In

After the hike, where Rachaels Mother had to threaten to put a leash on her Father (thats a story for another day), we went back to have supper - or as they like to call it in Tully, suppa.

As the day passed and I started speaking with various family members, the subject of pitbulls came up, more than once, mostly because Im a dog trainer and one of Rachaels cousins is a Vet Tech.

Its really sad to see all the confusion around these great dogs. Ill say it again - pitbulls are not the problem, the people that own the pitbulls are the problem. I have worked with and am currently working with pitbulls that are some of the friendliest and happiest dogs.

Its not the breed, its the person who owns the breed. I have dealt with aggressive Goldens, Labs, Yorkies, Poodles, Beagles, and just about any other breed you can think of. Aggression is the result of genetics, training, and environment - more on this at a later date.

Anyway, I had a great Memorial Day. If you ever get a chance, hike up Tully Mountain and take a look. The view is fantastic.

View From The Top Of Tully Mountain
The View From The Top Of Tully Mountain

All the best,

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How To Clicker Train Your Dog

Clicker training has become very popular over the past
few years. More and more dog lovers are using clickers
to train.

Some great trainers like Karen Pyror and Gary Wilkes
have really made clicker training much more popluar.

Even with the popularity of clicker training many
dog owners still dont quite know or understand what
clicker training is.

Just recently I finished a video and article for

In the video youll learn how to start off using a
clicker and then how to shape behaviors using the

You can view this article "How To Clicker Train Your
Dog" by clicking on the link below:

Please let me know what you think.

All the best,
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Happy New Year

Rachael and I decided to go to New Hampshire and spend the weekend with her sister and brother in law. We packed up the dogs and here we are in snowy New Hampshire (the dogs are having a blast).

We came up on Saturday to watch one of the biggest games in NFL history. The New England Patriots take on the New York Giants - WHAT A GAME!

We all went out to see the new Will Smith movie "I Am Legend". I wont spoil the movie for you but there is one scene that is very, very difficult to watch and made me choke up...but the movie was very good.

Anyway, we have some great stuff planned for the New Year. In 2008 we are planning on more videos, articles, and answering your questions.

We want to improve on The Amazing Dog Training Man website:

We are very excited to continue helping people better understand their dogs through positive, real world training solutions and by providing quality information to as many dog lovers as possible.

Happy New Year!

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Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Who else wants their dog to come when called Part 2

In my last post I talked about giving your dog some freedom. That when your dog develops a sense of freedom it will be easier to teach your dog to come back to you when you give the command "COME".

My dogs are very good when they are off-leash because they get to spend a lot of time off-leash. I once worked with a German Short Haired Pointer that was next to impossible to teach the recall command to.

You see, this poor dog had been tied up in the owners backyard for seven years. The dog had never been off-leash his entire life. The last thing this dog was thinking about when he got off-leash was coming when called.

Can you blame him?

Anyway, what we need to do is let our dogs develop the sense of freedom. This can be done with a long line. A 20 to 30 foot long line. Bring your dog to a big open area and put the long line on your dog.

Let your dog hang out and just be a dog. Let your dog sniff and run and explore the area without any commands and as little interference from you as possible. When I do this with a dog that I am training I just stay near the long line. I step on it if the dog starts to get to far away.

Most dogs on leash are constantly getting commands from the owner. "Heel", "Leave it", "Sit", "Stay", etc. When you have your dog on a long line just let your dog hang out and do dog stuff.

After a few days of this youll see a change in your dog. Your dog will start to come back to you when you call.

I have always believed that the recall command is one of the most important commands we can teach our dogs. This is a easy and useful step to follow and apply. You and your dog will be happy that you did.

As always I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

All the best,

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Discover Dog Training They Really Can Be Your Best Friend!


Does your dog constantly dig holes in your prize back garden, chews on every little thing it lays its eyes on, is your dog the feral beast that seems to bark at the sight of a fly. Doesnt it just drive you crazy?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then you really should consider training. "Why should I train my dog?" I hear you ask. Well the reason is simple and clear: because you both deserve it. Do you really think your dog wants to be yelled at day after day, or locked inside, for doing something which is perfectly natural to them, merely because they not know any better?

They Really Can Be Your Best Friend

Obedience training is essential for both you, and your dogs happiness. When a dog is well trained, they are given fewer boundaries by you, which enables them to enjoy their life as he/she pleases. Then when you invite your friends and family over, you will no longer have to lock your feral beast in a room, or cringe with fear, that they will do something thats going to bring shame on you. A well-trained dog will become a loyal part of your family unit, and not just seen as a four legged pain in the backside.

Become The Alpha Leader

Through simple training exercises you will strengthen your relationship, and form a bond that can only be gained through the guidance and trust that you are providing. Your dog will appreciates that you are his/her Alpha parent, he will gain an immense amount of respect, and understanding for you. Training your dog can open a whole new world of communication between you, making for a pleasant and life long friend.

To get any success out of a training program, your dog needs to be rewarded for their efforts. Good behavior should be recognized with treats and plenty of exercise. Depending on the type of dog that you have, the best training for temperament can be going for a run or a swim. Letting your dog exhaust its energy by playing will combat boredom, which can typically eliminate the common bad habits such as barking.

Devote Your Time

So before ringing a dogs refuge, to bring home that brand new bundle of fun, it is imperative that you have the time to devote to training them. Repetition has proven to be an important factor in teaching your dog, and getting into a routine is fundamental to your successful training strategy. Puppies just like a children, and demand constant attention, so make sure that you are aware of this.

And finally,while training a dog from the first day you bring them home can obviously be beneficial, and helpful in the training process, it is never too late to start. So treat yourself and your best friend to the life you both deserve.

Nigel Fisher is a 37 year who likes nothing more than spending time with mans best friend. So if you are having trouble with your four legged friend and would like more information goto; also you can download a free six day course.

Obedience Training
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Training
Dog Obedience
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Obedience
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Obedience
Dog Housebreaking
Puppy Training
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Dog Obedience Training Blog Has Moved!

The Dog Training Blog has been moved here:

Dog Obedience Training

See you over there
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A confession

I didnt get a lot of sleep last night.

Many of you know that I am a huge New England Patriots fan. Being a life long resident of New England, I love the Red Sox and the Patriots.

The past year has been great for fans in New England. The Red Sox won the World Series and then the Patriots went on to an ALMOST perfect season.

I woke up Sunday morning in a great mood. I was sure that the Patriots were going to win and wanted to celebrate it with all the great dog owners like you, who subscribe
to this newsletter.

I was going to call it "The Perfect Season Package."

The package was going to include:

The Good K9 Manners course - $29.99 value
The Amazing Dog Training Man digital book - $9.99 value
Ultimate Online Dog Training Course - $19.99 value

$60.00 worth of hard-hitting, real world dog training instructions. I was going to include everything for just $29.99 - a FULL Half Off!

That was before the Superbowl. But as you know by now, the Giants won.


Just to show your that I am a good guy, Im still going to let you take advantage of
this generous offer for the next 7 days only.

Instead of calling it the "Perfect Season" Package I am now calling it the "Im Not A
Sore Loser" package. The "Im Not A Sore Loser" package with be available for the next seven days.

So, to take advantage of my grief and this great package dont delay. Want to take advantage of this incredible offer? Go to:

and purchase the Good K9 Manners program. As soon as you do,youll receive an email
with links to both the Ultimate Online Dog Training Course and my digital book,"The
Amazing Dog Training Man." This offer is only good for the next 7 days.

Your friend,

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Jumat, 22 April 2016

Running AFrames!

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Getting Started

The first question that came to my mind and I know that most people ask, is what is the right age for a dog to start training. The answer from most trainers is As Soon As Possible. It is best that you start training your puppy as soon as you get one even if it is only 2 – 3 months old. It is important that you know that any behavior on your part is a lesson to your dog no matter how young she may be. The only thing that you must do is consult with your veterinary as when your puppy is ready (all necessary vaccines have been made) to go out and interact with other dogs without being in danger of catching any disease.
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Kamis, 21 April 2016

Helping your fellow competitor

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A Bit Rusty

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Rabu, 20 April 2016

Cookeville TN Snowdays

Cookeville, TN Snowdays
Historic downtown of Cookeville, Tn covered in snow. Also, our dogs Lucy (Golden Retriever mix) & Ellie (lab) enjoying the snow at Cane Creek Park and eating some too!

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Variety is the spice of life!

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TREAT ON NOSE Lets teach your dog a

TREAT ON NOSE Lets teach your dog a trick that reinforces patience with food! Try the following steps to train the Treat-On-The-Nose trick! Brush up on your sit-stay before you attempt this trick. Your dog has to sit perfectly still to hold the treat! Start with a sit-stay directly in front of you while you sit in a chair. Their head should be slightly over your lap. Put one hand under the dogs head and raise its nose to a position that is level to the floor. Place the treat on the flattest part of their nose. While you gently rest their muzzle in your hand, alternate praise with the phrase "Hold It!" in your command tone. After a few seconds, release him, praise him, and let him flip the treat off his nose and eat it. Repeat this process five to ten times per day for several days. As your dog begins to hold their own head steady, begin to remove your hands from their muzzle to let them do it alone. Some dogs will drop the treat on the floor and pick it up. Others will flip it into the air and catch it. If you desire the flip method and your dog is a "dropper", immediately command them to "leave it" if they drop it. Let them take it if they flip it. With consistency, this will condition the dog to flip it. If they do not catch it on the first flip, praise the effort with "good dog!" so that they do not give up. When they do catch it, praise vigorously!
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Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Equipment Safety!

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Appreciation Of Dogs

Its amazing what dogs bring into your life. Today I was looking at my sheltie Sammi who is well beyond the decade mark and thought about all the good things that have happened to me since she came into my life.

Sam was one of the reasons I became a dog trainer. Becoming a dog trainer has been such an unbelievable experience for me. I have learned so much and met so many people and as a direct result of my relationship with dogs.

If I was to list all of the people and experiences I have been through (good and bad) because of dogs it would take weeks to list it.

My life has been so much fuller because a little dog named Sam came into my life. I have met some of my best friends and future wife because of dogs. I have learned how to run a business, deal with people and write because of dogs.

In short, dogs have added so much to my life. I can only hope that I have helped out dogs as much as they have helped out me.


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Selasa, 19 April 2016

Competing for Your Next Personal Best

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The How To guide for Multiple Personalities

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The Art Of Dog Training

The funny thing about being a dog trainer is that you really arent a dog trainer. When you become a dog trainer you spend your time training people to train their dogs. I spend way more time training people than I do training dogs.

So now when someone asks me what I do for a living I say that I am a professional people trainer. I get some strange looks but thats okay, I used to it.

So why am I sharing all of this with you.

Simple my dog loving friend...

This is the time of the year that people are looking for a good dog trainer to help train their dogs. A lot of people still get puppies for Christmas. A lot of dog owners also wait until after the holidays to start training their dogs.

So I wanted give you some tips on working with a good dog trainer. A good dog trainer is someone who is patient and fun to be with. It always amazes me when I go to a dog training class and the dog trainer is like a drill instructor.

I remember about ten years ago I went to a dog training class at a popular school. The instructor walked into the middle of the class and stated: "This is the worst class I have ever seen". She went on to belittle the whole class for about five minutes. Why the people didnt walk out I never figure out.

A good dog trainer will have different techniques to help you, a good understanding of the different training methods and breeds of dogs.

But I would have to say that one of the most important things is that the dog trainer should make it fun for you and your dog. Dog training should be all about having fun. I know there is a serious side to dog training - it stop your dog from injury, prevent your stuff from getting destroyed, not anger your Friends and neighbors etc. but...

If dog training is FUN your chance and your dogs chance for success is much greater. Im not saying that every dog trainer has to be great at cracking jokes but the class environment can be light and enjoyable.

Well thats my take on finding a good dog trainer. Let me know what you think. Please leave a comment below.


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Voices of the Whos!

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Senin, 18 April 2016

Is it all about the journey

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Charlie Sheen calls on fans to bring rotten eggs dog waste to daughters former school

Charlie Sheen calls on fans to bring rotten eggs, dog waste to daughters former school

Sheen told TMZ the school "...should be ashamed of itself for allowing the bullying to go on and try to hide it."  

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What fun getting to spectate!!

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Mark Thompson started Dog Training In Your Home

Mark Thompson started Dog Training In Your Home in 1989. Mark and Leslie have now opened a Doggie Daycare and Boarding kennel. Offer large play areas and professional Boarding for your dog and Cats. Please see our website at Charlotte Better Dog Kennel We are experienced Charlotte NC dog trainers that will turn a "bad dog" into a well behaved house broken dog with our in home dog training courses. We can provide many services ranging from dog potty training to dog obedience training. We can start with puppy training in the Charlotte North Carolina area or adult dog training so that your dog can become a house broken dog. We train many breeds including but not limited to labradors, golden retriever, and german shepherds Offering dog training in the following areas: Charlotte, Matthews, Pineville, Ballentyne, Mint Hill, Indian Trail, Waxhaw. All of Mecklenburg and Union County. Dog Training Indian Trail Dog Training Pineville Dog Training Matthews Dog Training Waxhaw Dog Training Mint Hill Dog Training North-Charlotte Franchise mailing address: Dog Training In Your Home 4702 W. Hwy 74 Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Phone Number: (704) 573-3647 (704) 573-3647 Phone Number: (704) 296-0001 (704) 296-0001 Mark and Leslie Thompson are the owners of the Mecklenburg and Union County Franchise. They are personally involved in all aspects of business operations. Mark Thompson volunteers at Albemarle correctional facility as the training director for the new leash on life program. Rehabilitating Inmates and dogs, this program shows just one of the ways dogs give to the community
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Minggu, 17 April 2016

7 Ways To Cure Your Dogs Housetraining Problem

In my dog training business, if I had to list the top five behavior problems housetraining would be near the top. I get a lot of email and phone calls for housetraining.

Here are 7 ways to cure your dogs housetraining problem:

1. Management - One of the easiest steps to take is to use a crate. This will help you manage your dogs behavior when you are not there or cant watch your dog.

2. Teach a cue - Teach your dog to give you a cue that they need to go out. Hanging a bell on the door is popular. This way when your dog needs to go they hit the bell to let you know. Most dogs will give off some type of cue that they need to go. Some bark at the door, some scratch at the door and some dogs just pace around the room. Pay attention to see what type of cue your dog gives.

3. Proper cleaning - Dont clean with ammonia based products. The ammonia smells like urine and it will attract your dog back to the same spot. Clean with products that have enzymes that break down the smell.

4. Health check - Physical problems always need to be ruled out. If your dog has a physical problem no amount of behavior training can help.

5. Go on command - Teach your dog to go on command. Its easy and your dog can learn this in about a week.

6. Be there to influence behavior - If your dog goes in the house you need to be there to catch your dog "in the act". This way you can discourage your dog from going in the house and bring her out. The same holds true for when your dog is outside. A lot of people let there dog out into a fenced yard on their own. Now when the dog goes outside there is no one there to reward the dog for going in the right place. You need to be there to discourage AND reward.

7. Careful with punishment - A dog that is heavily punished for doing a natural, normal behavior in the wrong place becomes confused easily. If you harshly punish your dog for a mistake, your dog may hold it when in your presence - inside and outside. Now your dog will sneak off in the house and do his stuff when your not looking.

There you have it. The Amazing Dog Training Mans 7 Ways To Cue Your Dogs Housetraining Problems. Please feel free to leave a comment.

All the best,


P.S. My online dog training course includes my report "How To Housetrain Your Dog In 10 Days Or Less. You can get all the details here:
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American Idol

Okay, let me get this out of the way.

Im a big fan of American Idol. A couple of years ago, every time my girlfriend would turn the show on I would go upstairs and read. At the time I was living in a house that had a little loft bedroom.

I could lay on my bed and look down into the living room and see the TV. I would sit on my bed and try to ignore what was going on, but I couldnt stay focused on what I was trying to read.

Then one night while I was trying to read, Carrie Underwood started to sing "Independence Day." I remember sitting straight up and saying to Rach, "Who was that?"

Before I knew it I was downstairs watching the show. I got hooked and still am an avid fan. Rach and I look forward to Idol every year. I almost hate to admit it, but I look forward to it almost like I look forward to opening day in baseball.

What has happened to me?

I watch three shows on the boob tube. I watch old re-runs of Seinfeld and The Sopranos and Judge Judy. Thats it, I have no clue what else is on TV today, except for Idol.

Anyway, my official prediction this year is that David Archuleta will take it all. That kid already has a huge fan base. Well see what happens.


Over the Christmas season I shared a great video with the subscribers to this newsletter. I called it "A little lump of coal." It is a video from the English version of American Idol. It really is amazing and uplifting to watch. Ive included it here for you:

Have a great day.

Your friend,

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Rubberizing Contacts Part I

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Alpha Lifts This is a great way

Alpha Lifts - This is a great way to start getting puppy to trust and give in to the owners authority. This is not as dominate as an alpha rollover yet it is a smaller version of the concept of the dog losing some control over there freedom. The owner would stand over their dog facing the same direction of the dog. With one leg on each side of the dog. Then using both hands the owner reaches under the dogs chest and lifts the dogs front legs off the ground. Allowing the dogs front legs to very lightly touch the ground. This will tempt the dog to try and walk away, however they can not and learn to trust in the fact that the owner will release them once they no longer try to move. Then the owner can do the same thing with all four feet off the ground, same As above. This is a great exercise for owners to use to gain trust and slight dominance over their dogs. Mark Thompson
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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Sabtu, 16 April 2016

On Losing Luna


They were the original "Good Dogs!".  Luna on the back left, Walden on the right ...and my baby the little Bliss in the front row.  All gone now -- they are the dogs that first inspired a career (Walden- the Golden) and the ones that followed Luna & Bliss, the Belgian Tervurens as the training bug took hold.

Losing them all was very hard - losing Luna this past December was perhaps the hardest of all.  She was just days away from her 16th birthday on December 24, 2011.  I am sure her loss was harder because she represented the last link to so many parts of my life now passed.  Dogs lead such short lives, even Lunas life of nearly 16 years didnt seem long enough.

She was there in those unsteady days emotionally and financially when I left one career to start another - making the decision to train full time.  She was there when my father got the news of Alzheimers disease, she was there when I lost my father.  In fact Lunas life spanned the loss of both of my parents, a best friend to breast cancer and of course she outlived Walden and even baby Bliss.

One dogs short life that touched so many more, my own, and the many dogs and people she helped as we worked together.  To reflect on her life, is with the bittersweet recollection of all that a dogs life brings us.

After her loss I found Jon Katz book "Going Home, Finding Peace When Pets Die" to be very comforting to me.  From Jons book...

"In my dreams, dogs dont die.  In my dreams, my dogs talk to me.  They speak to me of life and loss, of love and joy, of the gates through which they entered and left my life.  This is comforting.  And nourishing. And very real to me. My dogs touch me in ways that stick.  And that does not die."

How has a dogs life touched your own?
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Jumping Skills

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Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Instead of boring you with writing down all the Halloween pet safety tips I decided to put together a video for you to watch.

But I have to warn you...this video is NOT pretty. In fact, I recommend that if you decide to watch this video make sure that you are not alone, make sure your doors are locked and your lights are on. If you still have the guts you can view the video by clicking on the link.

Youve been warned...

Halloween Scary Video
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Amazing Dog Training Man Interviews Best Selling Author

Here is the interview that I promised with best selling author Linda Tellington-Jones. I found the interview that I did with her and have included it in todays post for you to listen to.

The first part of the interview was with a local TTouch practitioner. Linda called into the show from Hawaii about half way through the show.

Heres what youll discover when you listen to the interview:

* How to improve your relationship with your dog

* How little circular touches can reduce aggression and other behavior problems

* Biofeedback proof that this technique works - The circular TTouch elicits changes in brain wave patterns...different from those elicited by petting, stroking, and massage

* TTouch has helped with increased self-confidence, enhanced communications, and mutual respect. (In other words, both dog and owner benefit from the experience.)

* TTouch does not use force, fear, or pain for handling, treating, or managing animals.

Click on the arrow and you can listen to the whole interview:

If you enjoy this interview and blog please pass it along to all your dog loving friends and family. Believe me, they will thank you for it.

Your friend,


P.S. My wonderful girlfriend Rachael has been working very hard to make some changes to the Amazing Dog Training Man website. I let you know as soon as its ready.
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Jumat, 15 April 2016

Housetraining Follow Up

I got a lot of email in regards to my "7 Ways To Cure Your Dogs Housetraining Problem" post. In the post, I wrote that a good step to take is to teach your dog to give you a cue. One very popular way is to hang a bell on the door and teach your dog to hit the bell to let you know that your dog needs to go out.

One reader, Jen, asked this question:

How would you use the bell technique?

I had ALOT of trouble housetraining my last min pin and I think that the bell idea would be great for my next little one. Miniature pinschers are THE hardest dogs to housetrain and I found that when you clean up the mess, if you rub the spot with a tad of vinegar, and the dog isnt attracted to that spot anymore.

With min pins (for other owners) Its easy to overlook little messes, as they are so small. You always have to check thoroughly to make sure you can clean it up and not let them think that its appropriate for them to go to the toilet inside.

Here is the answer for Jen.

The easiest way that I know is to put a little peanut butter on the bell while your dog is not watching. Then bring your dog to the door and close to the bell. As your dog starts to sniff the bell, say, "Good girl" and open the door and bring your dog out.

Repeat that a couple of dozen times then every time you go out the door, hit the bell and bring your dog out. Your dog will start to get the picture.

Good luck!


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Kamis, 14 April 2016

USDAA Central Regionals

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Out of the comfort zone!

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I Was Missing The “U”

Woke up this morning and opened up my email. This is one of the emails that I received:

Dear Eric and Rachel,

I want to send you guys this email from the cold country of Germany with all my warmest regards. What you have put up in the internet is the most helpful thing for me and my dog (we are working on leash aggression) I have read many books, have done much on research. You were saying something about cross association and bingo! I understand I can help my dog; I was missing the "U" in M.U.T.T.

I have spent lots! of money on private so call dog trainers, who worked with adverse methods and really goofed me and my dog up. I need to get my hands on your book!! How is it with shipping and handling overseas?



I love getting emails like that because my website and info have helped someone thousands of miles away.

In the email she mentions using the M.U.T.T. Method. This is an acronym I developed to help people understand and deal with behavior problems. For too long dog trainers have tried unsuccessfully to deal with behavior problems by using force and punishment.

I have said for years that punishment can be a very effective form of behavior modification – but here’s the rub. Very few, and I mean very few trainers know how to use punishment correctly.

In order for punishment to work properly four steps need to be followed – EVERYTIME.

Do you know what those four steps are?

I’ll explain them in a future blog post.

Anyway, using force to overcome behavior problems can make the behaviors worse!

That is what happened to Serena’s dog. That’s why I teach positive methods. When you use positive reinforcement there are no adverse side effects.

When you use negative reinforcement there are always side effects. A little while back I did a video newsletter describing my M.U.T.T Method. I have included it in this blog for you to view.

M.U.T.T. Method Video

If you have problems with this link you can watch it on M.U.T.T. Method Video

All the best,


P.S. Have a great weekend!
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Rabu, 13 April 2016

Training Party Tricks

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RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning

RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning on taking your dog on a road trip with you this summer, here are some things to remember: GET UP TO DATE: Check your dogs vaccinations and tags. Bring copies of your shot records with you. Make sure all relevant information is available on their tags. PREPARE TO PREVENT: Put on a fresh coat of flea and tick preventative, and make sure theyve had their heartworm preventative for the month. Bring a veterinary first aid kit with you. These are available at most pet stores. STOCK UP: Make sure you have enough food, medications, and bottled water with you for your dog. Bringing bottled water can sometimes prevent dogs from getting stomach aches due to changes in water content. BUCKLE UP: Get a canine car harness. They help your dog stay in one seat and remain secure during any quick stopping. These are available at pet stores. CHECK OUT BEFORE YOU CHECK IN: There are many pet-friendly hotels for you to stop at along the way.,,, and are just a few of the many sites that the many list pet friendly accommodations available. Never leave your dog alone in the hotel room. This will prevent them coming in contact with unknowns and keep them secure. Always put out the do not disturb sign to prevent anyone from accidentally opening the door to a surprise when your dog greets them, or worse letting the dog out into the hotel unleashed. PLAN FOR PIT STOPS: Remember to plan a stop every two to three hours for your dog to go to the bathroom. Always clean up after your dog. Never leave a dog alone in a parked car because heat conditions may rapidly change. Regardless of location, always keep your dog on leash for both your security and theirs.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|
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A week of learning

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Style points count!

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Selasa, 12 April 2016

Shes a Hoot

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IHC Standard Course

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Dog Training Story

I don’t know what it is about this time of the year but I always seem to pick up one of my favorite books to re-read. The first time I heard of the book "Lonesome Dove" by Larry McMurty I thought it must have been a romance novel by the title.

Boy was I wrong. The novel is a story of two retired Texas Rangers that become bored and decide to do a cattle drive to unsettled Montana. During the trip they encounter hostile Indians, bandits, bad guys, natural disasters, and a whole host of experiences.

Most of the books that I read are non-fiction, but every once in a while, I pick up a fictional book. I think I like to read a fictional book every once in a while because I need a little change and want to read a story.

I guess that’s why when I decided to write my dog training book, I wrote it as a story. You see, I read a ton of books on business, self-help, marketing, advertising, business, and dog training.

A lot of these books are great and provide a ton of information, but they are pretty technical and not always fun to read. When I wrote my dog training book “The Amazing Dog Training Man,” I wanted the reader to learn easy and useful dog training techniques, BUT at the same time, I wanted to entertain them.

How To Use The REVERSE Dog Training Method For Maximum Results

Over the past 20 years, I have read hundreds of books on dogs and dog training. Many of them are excellent and I learned a great deal, but I wondered if I could weave a story around the dog training lessons. That’s how I wrote the book.

Take a look at the table of contents:

The Amazing Dog Training Man
Table Of Contents

Chapter One: My First Dog…How It Almost Turned Into A Disaster. I felt confused, frustrated, and embarrassed to bring my dog to an obedience class.

Chapter Two: The Meeting…How It Changed Everything. You can learn how to train your dog using a simple, easy, and effective training system. You’ll discover how to use The Amazing Dog Training Man’s very unique REVERSE Dog Training Method.

Chapter Three: M.O.B. Rules - How M.O.B. Rules will eliminate housetraining issues, stop chewing, and possibly save your dog’s life.

Chapter Four: The Only Good Dog Is A Tired Dog – Two forms of exercise every dog needs. Do these two things and reduce up to 75% of your dog’s behavior problems.

Chapter Five: Follow The Leader – Four subtle, BUT ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL STEPS that every dog owner can apply to teach their dog that they are the pack leader.

Chapter Six: Influencing Behavior- How to teach your dog to do obedience commands by using the principles of positive reinforcement.

Chapter Seven: Driving Lessons – The #1 secret German dog trainers use to get maximum results.

Chapter Eight: Training Mistakes – Why you may be unintentionally teaching your dog bad behaviors, and how to stop it.

Chapter Nine: The First Lesson –Putting the Reverse Dog Training Method to work.

Chapter Ten: Don’t Move – How to teach the “Stay” command in ten minutes or less with the Ultimate Secret.

Chapter Eleven: Let’s Go – Teaching your dog to walk on a leash…don’t trigger your dog’s “Opposition Reflex” and you can get your dog to walk anywhere.

Chapter Twelve: Coming When Called – Teach your dog how to come when called using the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise.

Chapter Thirteen: Putting It All Together – Here’s what you do once your dog has learned obedience.

Chapter Fourteen: The M.U.T.T. Method – A simple and useful method to help you fix any behavior problem.

Chapter Fifteen: Not All Dog Foods Are Created Equal – It really does make a difference what you feed your dog. It will effect your dog’s health and behavior. Discover some simple steps you can follow to get your dog maximum nutrition.

Learn more about my dog training book.

All the best,


P.S. Be on the lookout for this week’s dog training video newsletter. You’ll learn how to teach your dog some fun tricks like how to roll over and high five.
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Senin, 11 April 2016

Sometimes I Just Dont Understand People When It Comes To Dog Training

I have a lot of training videos on and what amazes me are the people that post negative comments. I mean really, dont they have anything else to do?

I have worked in animal shelters for the past 15 years. I know that the main reason dogs end up in shelters is lack of training. Most of the dogs in shelters have behavior problems.

I try to help as many people as I can with training. Sure I sell some products but you cant deny that in the vast world of the internet there are few websites or trainers that offer as much useful information as I do.

So when I get comments like the one below it sometimes makes my blood boil. Here is a comment that I received on

"Would be good if you could learn what negative reinforcement really means. It is not correction chains or pinch collars. You are talking about positive punishment. You obviously dont understand the 4 quadrants of dog training theory."

I know exactly what the four quadrants are, in fact I can even tell you who taught them to me. By the way the four quadrants are:


PP - Positive punishment, which by the way is not a nice way to punish your dog.

PR - Positive reinforcement

NR - Negative reinforcement

NP - Negative punishment

Sure I could use big words like "successive approximation", "extinction bursts", "conditioned reflex", and a whole bunch more but I get the feeling that most people just want practical solutions to train their dog.

Maybe Im wrong, maybe you do want me to talk about that stuff. Please let me know. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts about this.

Thank you.

Your friend,


P.S. My website Amazing Dog Training Man has over 1000 pages of dog training tips, articles and videos with new content being added weekly.

P.P.S. By the way, if you want to read a fantastic article on the four quadrants check out my friend Adian Binoffs article. It is the best that I have ever read on this subject. Here it is: Secrets Of Dog Training Professionals
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Taking a moment to appreciate my agility life

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Outrage grows over teens gang rape

Outrage grows over teens gang rape
A dog would have been treated better than Anene Booyson, her neighbors said.

Posh pads for pooches
It may be tough to teach old dogs new tricks, but perhaps they can learn to live in new houses. Japanese graphic designer and curator Kenya Hara has made it his mission to find out.

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The first full teeter

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A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season

A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season, when you are visiting your friends and family, you may be faced with the opportunity to meet a dog that you do not know. Here are some tips to help you have a healthy and happy experience by understanding the appropriate way to approach a new dog: Always ask an owner for permission to touch their dog prior to petting. Ask if the dog is friendly. Some dogs are not welcoming to guests. Some owners do not like their dog to interact with guests. You do not want to risk your personal safety or reward them for a behavior their owner dislikes. Watch a dogs body language. If their hair stands up, they stop moving or wagging their tail, they hold their breath, they crouch down to the ground, or they begin barking or lunging, simply do not touch them. They may be nervous and are better left alone. Never run up to a stray dog and pet them. You do not know how this dog responds to people, if the dog is injured, or if the dog is otherwise aggressive. It is best to let the dog come to you, if you decide to interact at all. Let them hear and smell you prior to interacting with them directly. Stand still and put your hand out for the dog to smell. Let them get comfortable with your scents and sounds prior to actual touching. Do not approach the dog face-to-face. Rather, position yourself beside the dog. A face-to-face meeting can become a threat to a dog that you may not mean to make. Do not touch the dog if you are nervous. The dog will know and it will make them nervous as well. There is no reason to pet a dog if you do not feel comfortable. Do not pet a dog on the head when you first meet them. A shoulder or back petting session is more appropriate. Many dogs get nervous and/or upset when they are pet on top of their heads, or when people reach over their heads to pet them. Do not stare a dog in the eye. While this is a show of confidence in the USA, it is a show of confrontation in the canine world. Gently look at the dogs ears, face, or chest, but try to avoid direct eye contact. If you become uncomfortable or are being attacked by a dog you have just met NEVER turn your back and run away. The dog will chase you. It will think you are playing a game or have become a prey animal. Instead, remain calm, stand still until the dog goes away, and/or guard your body with any personal items (purse, umbrella, briefcase, etc.) that you have with you. Do not flail your arms, scream, throw personal items, or wave your fingers at a dog. Excitement and nervousness begets excitement and nervousness. Loose and flailing items are more easily grabbed by a dog. Close your fists and hold your arms steady at your side or across your body to keep yourself in a safer situation. Pet the dog gently, slowly, with a flat hand, in one direction. When you do pet a dog you have not met before, remember to speak slowly and quietly in sweet tones. Watch your children and be sure to show them the appropriate ways to meet a dog. Remember, even if an owner says that a dog is friendly, you are a stranger to them. Earn their trust by respecting their space. This is especially true of puppies for whom everything is new, loud, and can become overwhelming.
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5 Foot Jumps why did I wait so long

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Minggu, 10 April 2016

All In One Course Setup

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Chic dogs take to the catwalk

Chic dogs take to the catwalk
Canines dressed in all their finery were on parade at the New York Pet Fashion Show in New York City on Friday, February 8. Heres a gallery of the chicest looks.

The dogs of Westminster revealed

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