Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Discover Dog Training They Really Can Be Your Best Friend!


Does your dog constantly dig holes in your prize back garden, chews on every little thing it lays its eyes on, is your dog the feral beast that seems to bark at the sight of a fly. Doesnt it just drive you crazy?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then you really should consider training. "Why should I train my dog?" I hear you ask. Well the reason is simple and clear: because you both deserve it. Do you really think your dog wants to be yelled at day after day, or locked inside, for doing something which is perfectly natural to them, merely because they not know any better?

They Really Can Be Your Best Friend

Obedience training is essential for both you, and your dogs happiness. When a dog is well trained, they are given fewer boundaries by you, which enables them to enjoy their life as he/she pleases. Then when you invite your friends and family over, you will no longer have to lock your feral beast in a room, or cringe with fear, that they will do something thats going to bring shame on you. A well-trained dog will become a loyal part of your family unit, and not just seen as a four legged pain in the backside.

Become The Alpha Leader

Through simple training exercises you will strengthen your relationship, and form a bond that can only be gained through the guidance and trust that you are providing. Your dog will appreciates that you are his/her Alpha parent, he will gain an immense amount of respect, and understanding for you. Training your dog can open a whole new world of communication between you, making for a pleasant and life long friend.

To get any success out of a training program, your dog needs to be rewarded for their efforts. Good behavior should be recognized with treats and plenty of exercise. Depending on the type of dog that you have, the best training for temperament can be going for a run or a swim. Letting your dog exhaust its energy by playing will combat boredom, which can typically eliminate the common bad habits such as barking.

Devote Your Time

So before ringing a dogs refuge, to bring home that brand new bundle of fun, it is imperative that you have the time to devote to training them. Repetition has proven to be an important factor in teaching your dog, and getting into a routine is fundamental to your successful training strategy. Puppies just like a children, and demand constant attention, so make sure that you are aware of this.

And finally,while training a dog from the first day you bring them home can obviously be beneficial, and helpful in the training process, it is never too late to start. So treat yourself and your best friend to the life you both deserve.

Nigel Fisher is a 37 year who likes nothing more than spending time with mans best friend. So if you are having trouble with your four legged friend and would like more information goto; also you can download a free six day course.

Obedience Training
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Training
Dog Obedience
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Obedience
Puppy Housetraining
Dog Obedience
Dog Housebreaking
Puppy Training

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