Selasa, 12 April 2016

Dog Training Story

I don’t know what it is about this time of the year but I always seem to pick up one of my favorite books to re-read. The first time I heard of the book "Lonesome Dove" by Larry McMurty I thought it must have been a romance novel by the title.

Boy was I wrong. The novel is a story of two retired Texas Rangers that become bored and decide to do a cattle drive to unsettled Montana. During the trip they encounter hostile Indians, bandits, bad guys, natural disasters, and a whole host of experiences.

Most of the books that I read are non-fiction, but every once in a while, I pick up a fictional book. I think I like to read a fictional book every once in a while because I need a little change and want to read a story.

I guess that’s why when I decided to write my dog training book, I wrote it as a story. You see, I read a ton of books on business, self-help, marketing, advertising, business, and dog training.

A lot of these books are great and provide a ton of information, but they are pretty technical and not always fun to read. When I wrote my dog training book “The Amazing Dog Training Man,” I wanted the reader to learn easy and useful dog training techniques, BUT at the same time, I wanted to entertain them.

How To Use The REVERSE Dog Training Method For Maximum Results

Over the past 20 years, I have read hundreds of books on dogs and dog training. Many of them are excellent and I learned a great deal, but I wondered if I could weave a story around the dog training lessons. That’s how I wrote the book.

Take a look at the table of contents:

The Amazing Dog Training Man
Table Of Contents

Chapter One: My First Dog…How It Almost Turned Into A Disaster. I felt confused, frustrated, and embarrassed to bring my dog to an obedience class.

Chapter Two: The Meeting…How It Changed Everything. You can learn how to train your dog using a simple, easy, and effective training system. You’ll discover how to use The Amazing Dog Training Man’s very unique REVERSE Dog Training Method.

Chapter Three: M.O.B. Rules - How M.O.B. Rules will eliminate housetraining issues, stop chewing, and possibly save your dog’s life.

Chapter Four: The Only Good Dog Is A Tired Dog – Two forms of exercise every dog needs. Do these two things and reduce up to 75% of your dog’s behavior problems.

Chapter Five: Follow The Leader – Four subtle, BUT ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL STEPS that every dog owner can apply to teach their dog that they are the pack leader.

Chapter Six: Influencing Behavior- How to teach your dog to do obedience commands by using the principles of positive reinforcement.

Chapter Seven: Driving Lessons – The #1 secret German dog trainers use to get maximum results.

Chapter Eight: Training Mistakes – Why you may be unintentionally teaching your dog bad behaviors, and how to stop it.

Chapter Nine: The First Lesson –Putting the Reverse Dog Training Method to work.

Chapter Ten: Don’t Move – How to teach the “Stay” command in ten minutes or less with the Ultimate Secret.

Chapter Eleven: Let’s Go – Teaching your dog to walk on a leash…don’t trigger your dog’s “Opposition Reflex” and you can get your dog to walk anywhere.

Chapter Twelve: Coming When Called – Teach your dog how to come when called using the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise.

Chapter Thirteen: Putting It All Together – Here’s what you do once your dog has learned obedience.

Chapter Fourteen: The M.U.T.T. Method – A simple and useful method to help you fix any behavior problem.

Chapter Fifteen: Not All Dog Foods Are Created Equal – It really does make a difference what you feed your dog. It will effect your dog’s health and behavior. Discover some simple steps you can follow to get your dog maximum nutrition.

Learn more about my dog training book.

All the best,


P.S. Be on the lookout for this week’s dog training video newsletter. You’ll learn how to teach your dog some fun tricks like how to roll over and high five.

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